How Health and Lifestyle Changes can Improve Genetic Make Up

Caviarlieri | Published April 27, 2020

Our genes contain the vital information that determine everything from our appearance to intelligence. These genes are inherited from our parents, and how they live will ultimately impact on our genes.

Since the discovery of the Human Genome, the importance of genetics for us to have the risk of being inflicted with certain diseases such as breast cancer, heart attacks, depression, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease have been well established.

However, it is a misconception that everything you inherited in your genes is permanent. Your lifestyle, environmental factors and health choices can awaken your individual genes and/or suppress others to damage or help to improve your overall well-being.

Research in the new field of epigenetics (the study of genes) is finding that our lifestyle choices — the foods we eat, the chemicals we are exposed to, how active we are and opt to be and even our social environments — do actually alter the health of our genes.

Lifestyle Factors Affect Your Genes

Several lifestyle factors have been identified that might modify epigenetic patterns of your genetic makeup at birth. You actually have a great deal of control over your health and your future no matter what genetic make up (DNA) you were born with. Although the field of epigenetics is in its infancy the evidence so far shows that there are many fundamental lifestyle factors that can alter gene expression, such as diet, obesity, physical activity, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants, psychological stress, and working on night shifts.

Diet, Sleep and Exercise Modulate Gene Expression

Not surprisingly, your diet can affect the health of your DNA. A diet high in refined carbohydrates will increase your high blood glucose which will attack and damage your DNA. On the other hand, compounds like sulforaphane (found in broccoli), curcumin (turmeric), epigallocatechin gallate (green tea), and resveratrol (wine) can slow or potentially reverse DNA damage. diet and nutrition can modulate gene expression

Inadequate sleep also disrupts genetic activity. A research by a team of sleep science and genetics experts who examined the influence of sleep on gene function discovered that just a single week of insufficient sleep altered the activity of over 700 genes.

It’s well established and there is intangible evidence that physical exercise is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and mental well-being as it can positively affect gene expression. A recent study of the brains of elderly mice found 117 genes that were expressed differently in the brains of animals that ran regularly, compared to those that were sedentary.

So Do Stress, Relationships, And Thoughts

Not only do tangible factors like diet, sleep, and exercise affect your genes, intangible factors like stress, your relationships with others, and your thoughts also do. These factors when controlled, can potentially turn down the expression of pro-inflammatory genes thus reducing inflammation. Chronic inflammation is an underlying cause of seven of the top ten leading causes of death including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

stress and thoughts can affect your genes

It’s not only positive habits that affect your genes. The bad ones too. Substance abuse, addictions, inactivity, malnutrition, and exposure to toxins negatively affect the way your genes express themselves. Researchers have found that emotional factors such as trauma and stress can activate harmful epigenetic changes.

How Epigenetics is Vital for Cell Development

The mechanism of epigenetics is vital in cell development and the body’s homeostasis maintenance. Any change or disturbance in the process can cause many health and behavioral problems.

Increasing evidence shows that environmental and lifestyle factors may influence epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation (the main way gene activity is adjusted during life, especially during early development), histone modifications and microRNA expression. These are mechanisms that alter how genes are expressed without altering the underlying DNA sequence.

cell development research

The factors that affect epigenetics are several, but the most basic areas are diet and the environment. Environment exposure to pollution can increases the risk to neurodegenerative disease. These are called epigenetic toxicants and they are capable of altering the way our DNA works. Diet has been found to contribute to changes and have a huge effect on epigenetics in ways that determine our health status. Free radicals and oxidative stress are generally not good for the body and are causes of many illnesses. And these are easily a result of a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Another example is a diet rich in antioxidants from vegetables and fruits which can provide anticancer protection. There are more than just these examples. Everything we ingest has an effect on our genes.

How Caviarlieri – Swiss Caviar Cellular Therapy Food Supplement Helps to Improve Your Genetic Make Up

Essential Nutrition at the Cellular Level

A healthy nutrition awakens the essential genes and they have a positive impact on our mind and body. It’s critical to have a consistently healthy diet because you want your good genes to be active.

Caviarlieri is scientifically and synergistically developed to stimulate and trigger our own body system to heal, repair and renew our cells versus damaged cells. By providing bio active nutrition at the cellular level, Caviarlieri helps accelerate protein synthesis and cellular repair.

Caviarlieri is formulated with potent bioactive ingredients like Sturgeon Caviar DNA cellular extract and high-quality marine peptides which are extremely rich in DHA and EPA (essential fatty acids) known to enhance cell rejuvenation and renewal. These bio marine compounds have also been found to have a positive effect on basic mechanisms that affect key inflammatory molecules involved in metabolic syndrome.

The scientific studies on Caviarlieri published in peer reviewed journals have proven that it has powerful antioxidant properties which can potentially prevent damage to immune cells by neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are substances in the environment that can damage cells and reduce immunity. Supplementing with Caviarlieri can also help increase the activation of cells involved in regulating our immunity.

Prevention and Delaying the Onset and Progression of Degenerative Diseases

Epigenetic abnormalities contribute to the existence of diseases in humans, particularly diseases without proven and specific cures such as cancer, neurodegenerative, autoimmune and metabolic diseases among many others.

There are numerous diseases thought to have an epigenetic component including asthma, Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, immune disorders, kidney disease, glaucoma, muscular dystrophy, and pediatric syndromes as well as many psychiatric disorders including autism, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

The scientific studies on Caviarlieri published in peer reviewed journals and the empirical randomized double blind placebo studies on the key ingredients of Caviarlieri have proven that this potent supplement can help alleviate metabolic syndrome including chronic inflammation which can result in significant joint pain, chronic fatigue, reduce oxidative stress physiologically, prevent and delay brain degeneration and alleviate symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases. Caviarlieri can also help lower the Glycemic index for blood sugar control, improve collagen production, promote quality of sleep and elevate mood especially for people suffering from mild depression.

Manufactured using a proprietary Swiss cold extraction technology, Cellularix, the ingredients are kept “active” so that the chemical integrity and potency of the micronutrients are not destroyed or compromised. This will help optimize our absorption of the micronutrients and maximize the outcomes and results. Not everything we consume can be absorbed.