Lowers Glycemic

Lowers Glycemic

It is very important to understand the processes behind glucose regulation in your body in order to help prevent and delay the onset and progression of degenerative diseases, regardless of your age.

This is because biological aging is frequently associated with a decline in glucose tolerance which is secondary to an increased insulin resistance. Insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity are two sides of the same coin. If you have insulin resistance, you have low insulin sensitivity. Conversely, if you are sensitive to insulin, you have low insulin resistance. While insulin resistance is harmful to your health, insulin sensitivity is beneficial.

High insulin sensitivity allows the cells of your body to use blood glucose more effectively, reducing blood sugar whereas low insulin sensitivity may also result in chronically high blood sugar levels, which are believed to increase your risk of many diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

Glycemic Index

Glycemic Index (GI) is indicative of how food affects the response of blood glucose after a meal. Food with high GI result in high and prolonged blood glucose and insulin levels, which is not good. While food with lower GI produce smaller fluctuations in blood glucose and insulin levels, which is good.

Blood glucose may be metabolized in two ways:

  • Transform into energy in metabolic processes (such as muscle growth or restitution), or energy for physical
  • Blood glucose that is not used as energy will be transformed into fats and deposited at various places in your body, resulting in obesity.

A low GI diet is, therefore recommended as it is considered as a successful means to lose weight and to prevent diseases including diabetes and heart disease.

Caviarlieri Key Ingredients' Clinical Study Results


The objective of the study was to evaluate the metabolic effect of HP Collagen Elastin Plus in Caviarlieri, fish fillet, milk protein (casein), and soy protein isolate as part of composite meals, with similar macro-nutrient composition, in healthy subjects.

Design & Subjects

17 female volunteers (32 -64 years old) were asked to eat the 4 meals randomly, with one week in between each meal. The meals consisted of food with similar nutrient composition, but different types of protein, namely the marine Peptides in Caviarlieri, fish fillet (angler), milk and soy protein isolate. Total amount of energy produced was 1 970 kJ (or 470 kcal). Blood samples were taken for assay of B-glucose, S-insulin, S-free fatty acids, S-triglycerides, and C-peptide in the fasting state and 7 times after eating the test meal up to 240 min.


Caviarlieri Peptides supplementation showed a significant lower blood glucose response than those with fish fillets or milk proteins. It also had a smaller area under the curve (AUC) with p= 0.0052 and p= 0.02, respectively (see graph 1).

Blood glucose response after 4 meals based on different protein types

Caviarlieri Peptides supplementation showed a significant lower blood glucose response than those with fish fillets or milk proteins. It also had a smaller area under the curve (AUC) with p= 0.0052 and p= 0.02, respectively (see graph 1).

Insulin response after 4 meals based on different protein types

The serum insulin response (AUC) for the fish diet was significantly lower than those of all other diets (see graph 2).

Blood triglycerides response after 4 meals based on different protein types

Triglycerides are a type of fat, or lipid, found in the blood. The results of this test help determine the risk of developing heart disease. It is evident from this graph that Caviarlieri peptides can lower triglycerides levels in the blood, which will generally support the lowering of blood sugar and lipid levels and help support weight loss.

Blood glucose response after drinking an “instant type” sports drink with and without 6% of HP Collagen Elastin Plus of Caviarlieri

Supplementation of 1 to 2% of Caviarlieri peptides gives significant Glycemic Index lowering functionality to ordinary foodstuff, such as ice creams, chocolates, white breads, fruit juices, hamburgers, and many other high GI products. The blood glucose reduction is between 30% and 50%, with individual variations (graph 4). Inclusion of Caviarlieri HP Collagen Elastin Plus reduce the Glycemic index of carbohydrates in the sports drink by 37%.

Other Evidence-Based Benefits of Caviarlieri

Beauty Enhancement

Caviarlieri Swiss Caviar Cellular Therapy plays an important role in effectively delaying skin aging by providing effective and essential nutrition at the cellular level. It accelerates protein synthesis, cellular repair and renewal against damaged cells and thereby stimulates collagen production for the skin.

Substantial Reduction in Joint Pain

Caviarlieri has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate and reduce chronic joint pain significantly. Unlike painkillers or opioids which have adverse side effects, Caviarlieri is an excellent nutritional supplement which has no side effects and is a palliative for chronic pain management.

Strengthens Immunity

Caviarlieri is formulated with potent bioactive ingredients like Sturgeon Caviar DNA cellular extract and high quality marine peptides which are known to enhance B cell activity and could be useful for those with a compromised immune system.