How to Manage and Recover from Long Covid Symptoms?

Caviarlieri | Published March 14, 2022

Most people who suffer from Covid-19 never fully recover. Millions of survivors are still struggling to find complete recovery. Some experience extreme fatigue, shortness of breath and body aches, while others suffer from mental fog and have not regained from their loss of taste and smell. There are also others who suffer complications from their infection and become gravely ill. Known as Covid long-haulers, these survivors are suffering from prolonged symptoms which include pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and neurological effects like cognitive impairment.

What is disturbing is that even a mild SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause long COVID. It is estimated that anywhere from 10% to 30% of patients might experience long COVID after recovering—even if they weren’t very sick in the first place.

What is Long Covid?

There’s no clear definition yet. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines long Covid as “usually 3 months from the onset of Covid-19 with symptoms that last for at least 2 months and cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis.

Statistics for Covid Long Haulers

A Research published in June 2021 by THE Imperial College London, based on half a million people in England, found two main categories of ongoing symptoms: a smaller group of people with respiratory symptoms, such as a cough or breathlessness, (this group was more likely to have had severe Covid-19 illness initially), and a larger group with a cluster of more general symptoms, particularly tiredness and fatigue.

The ONS (Office of National Statistics) estimates that 1.3 million people in the UK were experiencing long Covid symptoms as of 2 January 2022. This amounts to just over 1 in 50 of the population (2.1 per cent).

More than four in 10 (42 per cent)?of those people were experiencing long Covid symptoms more than a year after their first suspected infection. Almost two thirds (63 per cent) said their symptoms had reduced their ability to carry out daily activities.

Of those who were working before they had Covid-19, nearly one in five (17.8 per cent) were no longer working and a further one in five (19.3 per cent) had experienced a health-related change to their work.

Another large study published in November, using data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, estimated that about 7% of people had at least one symptom of long Covid six months after their infection. Although these ailments can occur regardless of the initial severity of the infection.

What are the Symptoms of Long Covid?

Lasting symptoms of coronavirus can include:

  • RESPIRATORY & CARDIOVASCULAR: Breathlessness, cough, chest tightness, chest pain, palpitations
  • GENERALIZED: fatigue, fever, pain
  • NEUROLOGICAL: loss of concentration and focus, headache, sleep disturbance, pins and needles or numbness, dizziness and delirium (elderly people)
  • DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrheal, anorexia, weight loss
  • MUSCULOSKELETAL: joint pain, muscle pain
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL: depression, anxiety

What are the 3 Types of Long COVID?

According to Dr. Devang Sanghavi, MD, “COVID-19 itself has direct cell damage because of the virus and this can cause lingering symptoms.” Dr. Sanghavi is a medical director of the medical intensive care unit (ICU) at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida and he has seen about 100 patients with long COVID, many of whom take weeks to recover. Dr. Sanghavi explained that Long Covid can be broken down into three categories:

1st Category – people who do not recover completely from Covid 19 and have ongoing symptoms because of direct cell damage from the virus.

2nd Category -The second category of long COVID is when a person’s symptoms are related to chronic hospitalization. This applies to someone who is in the hospital, ICU, bed bound for weeks.

3rd Category – Those who suffer from inherent muscle weakness, cognitive brain dysfunction, psychosocial stress causing post-traumatic stress disorder-like syndrome etc.. In this category, symptoms appear after recovery.

These long term covid symptoms that linger on are produced after the recovery because of this interplay between inflammatory markers and the immune system.

What Causes Long Covid?

In a study published in January THIS YEAR, scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington in Seattle found the risk of long Covid is increased by multiple early factors including antibodies directed against their own tissues or organs known as autoantibodies and a resurgence of the Epstein-Barr virus. Based on what’s been observed with other viral diseases and research so far, other scientists speculate that different biological and genetic factors may be driving symptoms, none of which are mutually exclusive. These may include:

  • chronic, systemic inflammation
  • immune dysregulation such as when the body’s immune system overreacts or underreacts to a foreign invader
  • problems with the autonomic nervous system
  • the persistence of viral particles or remnants in the body.

How Serious are Long Covid Symptoms?

Most long Covid symptoms don’t seem to be life-threatening, but things like shortness of breath or fatigue can be disabling. In addition, for some Covid survivors, the infection may damage vital organs and aggravate other diseases, the effects of which may not become apparent for months, like a ticking time bomb. Some of the conditions that may manifest later include cardiac arrest, stroke, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, myocarditis and chronic kidney disease. Doctors have also noted an uptick in cases of diabetes linked to Covid. A study in February THIS YEAR based on the VA health-care database in the U.S. found the virus may significantly increase a person’s risk of heart disease for at least a year after recovery — even if the person wasn’t hospitalized.

Is there a treatment for long Covid?

Unfortunately, there isn’t one single treatment or medication to treat long Covid. Everyone’s experience is different, so it’s important to speak to your GP about the symptoms you are experiencing. They can tell you how to best manage them, and let you know what other support is available.

If long Covid is having a big impact on your life, you should refer yourself to a specialist rehabilitation service, or a specialist who can look after the symptoms you have.

There’s lots of things you can do at home to manage your symptoms as you recover.

How can Caviarlieri, a Swiss Caviar Cellular Therapy supplement potentially help mitigate post Covid 19 symptoms?

By reducing and controlling inflammation and enhancing your immune functions.

Caviarlieri is scientifically and synergistically developed to stimulate and trigger our own body system to heal, repair and renew our cells versus damaged cells. By providing bio active nutrition at the cellular level, Caviarlieri helps accelerate protein synthesis and cellular repair.

Significant Reduction of Inflammation

Caviarlieri is scientifically proven to help reduce the Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha which is an important inflammatory biomarker for metabolic syndrome conditions. In addition, Caviarlieri can also reduce the C-reactive protein (CRP), a blood test marker for inflammation in the body. CRP is classified as an acute phase reactant, which means that its levels will rise in response to inflammation.

There are also several current and ongoing studies which indicate that Caviarlieri triggers the epigenetic mechanisms of the cells to activate gene expression for inflammation reduction which will help alleviate the onset of any of the risks associated with the diseases as a consequence of metabolic syndrome.

Note: Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, excess abdominal fat that increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Published in Peer Reviewed Journal – Acta Bio Medical / Official Journal of the Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences of Parma Vol 84-53-60/2013

A sturgeon-derived bioactive compound beneficially modulates nuclear receptors controlling metabolic functions in patients with metabolic syndrome.

A. Lorenzetti, R. Catanzaro, G. Bertuccelli, N. Zerbinati, . Jain, U. Solimene, S.K. Yaduvanshi, N. Srivastava, E.Minelli, H. Yadav, C. Tomella, F.Marotta

The aim of the study was to test the possible effects of a novel sturgeon-derived compound Caviar DNA Extract (LD-1227) on inflammatory markers related to metabolic nuclear receptors in patients with metabolic syndrome. The study population consisted of 76 patients with metabolic syndrome and 30 healthy subjects who were maintained to their current treatments and randomly supplemented with A) Caviar DNA Extract (LD-1227) (n=38) or B) placebo (n=38) as compared to C) healthy controls (n=30). Caviar DNA Extract (LD-1227) or placebo (water-soluble starch) were given daily at breakfast and dinner for three months.

At the end of the study period, as compared to B group, Caviar DNA Extract LD-1227-treated patients showed a significant improvement of all parameters (hs-CRP, IL-6, TNF-alpha) tested, irrespective of the presence of diabetes. Although the metabolic syndrome remains a multifaceted condition requiring a complex approach, Caviarlieri (LD-1227) could be a potential safe therapeutic tool to be integrated into a wider treatment and preventive medicine schedule strategy.

Sustainable Immunity Is the Long Term Goal

Caviarlieri is formulated with potent bioactive ingredients like Sturgeon Caviar DNA cellular extract and high quality marine peptides which are extremely rich in DHA and EPA (essential fatty acids) known to enhance B cell activity, which could be useful for those with compromised immune system.

Manufactured using a proprietary Swiss cold extraction technology, Cellularix, the ingredients are kept “active” so that the chemical integrity and potency of the micro nutrients are not destroyed or compromised. This will help optimize our absorption of the micro nutrients and maximize the outcomes and results.

In addition, the Caviarlieri is made of peptides which help to escort the nutrients into our cells for protein synthesis which is an important process to accelerate cellular renewal and repair versus damaged cells. If essential nutrition is provided at the cellular level, it will definitely help maintain or strengthen the functionality of our immune system.

The scientific studies on Caviarlieri published in peer reviewed journals have proven that it has powerful antioxidant properties which can potentially prevent damage to immune cells by neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are substances in the environment that can damage cells and reduce immunity. Supplementing with Caviarlieri can also help increase the activation of cells involved in regulating our immunity.

Another active ingredient of Caviarlieri is Selenium. This potent antioxidant keeps our immunity in check by identifying and warding off potentially harmful threats, like viruses, parasites and bacteria. It is also known to help regulate our immune responses and protect us against infectious microorganisms.

Caviarlieri Protects Brain from Oxidative Stress

One of the key ingredients of Caviarlieri is the Caviar Cellular DNA extract with Marine peptides which can help in the rejuvenation and revitalization of cells. These bio marine compounds have also been found to have a positive effect on basic mechanisms that affect key inflammatory molecules involved in metabolic syndrome.

In addition ,these extracts have strong antioxidant properties which can potentially help to reduce oxidative stress in the brain. Oxidative stress occurs upon excessive free radical production resulting from an insufficiency of the counteracting antioxidant response system. The brain, with its high oxygen consumption and lipid-rich content, is highly susceptible to oxidative stress

Lowers Glycemic Index – Diabetes Management

It is proven through clinical studies that the Marine Collagen Peptides in Caviarlieri lowers glycemic index by 37% (which means the glucose impact is reduced significantly). Results of a preliminary clinical trial also showed that food with marine collagen peptide supplementation will lead to increase in plasma PYY level and decrease in plasma ghrelin level. These 2 hormones act synergistically to reduce the appetite on one hand, and to increase the feeling of satiation on the other.

Significant Increase in Cellular Energy

Many of people who have chronic fatigue syndrome fall prey to different supplements marketed to boost energy. Most of them are short-lived and don’t really have a lasting sustainable effect in the body. These supplements promise a boost but that also comes with a crash once the energy supply has died down. It is important to understand where the root of energy is from and that is it is from the Mitochondria in our cells. That is why it is called the “powerhouse” of the cell. Caviarlieri Swiss Caviar Cellular Therapy supplies the cells with essential nutrition to accelerate protein synthesis, repair and renew damaged cells in order for the mitochondria to generate adequate energy. An experimental randomized double blind placebo study was performed with key ingredients of Caviarlieri and how it affects in the following aspects:

  • Increase in physical energy – after taking Caviar & Marine Cellular DNA Complex, more than 80% of the clinical subjects reported significant increase in energy levels across parameters like fatigue at night, exhaustion upon waking upand 20% of the subjects have indicated complete recovery from evening fatigue and 24.3 % recovered from exhaustion upon waking up.
  • Effects on physical fatigue and other symptoms – people who suffer from certain health issues have lower energy levels than those without it. A study was done comprising 688 persons in an average age of 44 years old and 88% reported improvements in their physical mobility and muscle weakness. The same study indicated that the effect of Caviar and Marine Cellular DNA complex improved physical symptoms after 15 days. 63% of the subjects reported reduced muscle pain and 62.5% reported improvements in symptoms such as dizziness, night sweats, hot flushes and others.

Caviarlieris is able to impact on the cells in your body to harness natural human energy from within. Apart from improving symptoms which automatically improves the overall sense of well-being and restores energy, Caviarlieri’s ingredients target the root sources of the body to effectively address chronic fatigue syndrome.

About Caviarlieri

Caviarlieri is a food supplement approved by the Swiss Public Health Authority and it is available in leading Swiss Medical Centres and Spas as well as pharmacies throughout Switzerland. It is a potent supplement manufactured by Swiss Caps Inc. in Switzerland, which is recognized and verified by Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) and is a US FDA Approved manufacturing facility. In addition, Swiss Caps Inc. is BRC compliant. BRC is an international Food Safety Management Systems standard, and is one of the GFSI recognized certification schemes

Caviarlieri is also certified by the German Sport University, Cologne as being free of steroids, hormones and stimulants which makes it safe for long-term use.